Pretty Maids
Sunday, 10/27/2024 at 7:00 PM
Pretty Maids
Sunday, 10/27/2024
at 7:00 PM
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Wir lieben die Pretty Maids - und die Pretty Maids lieben das Z7! Die Dänen sind im Lauf der Jahre ein wichtiger Teil der Z7-Family geworden. Im Oktober 2024 feiern wir grosses Wiedersehen: Die Rock-Legenden aus Horsens kommen für eine mega-exklusive Show zu uns nach Pratteln. Es ist nicht nur das erste Club-Konzert seit sechs langen Jahren überhaupt, sondern auch die einzige Club-Show ausserhalb Skandinaviens. Die Bandgründer Ken Hammer und Ronnie Atkins werden uns eine feine Auswahl ihrer grössten Hits um die Ohren knallen und können nun endlich auch Songs vom letzten Album „Undress Your Madness“-live präsentieren!
Fünf Jahre lang war Funkstille bei den Pretty Maids. Doch im Sommer 2024 sind Sänger Ronnie Atkins und Gitarrist Ken Hammer nach dem längsten Unterbruch ihrer Karriere für ein paar ausgewählte Festivalshows auf die Bühne zurückgekehrt. Das kongeniale Duo hat einen langen gemeinsamen Weg hinter sich. Vor 43 Jahren sind die Pretty Maids in der Hafenstadt Horsens zu ihrem Siegeszug um die ganze Welt gestartet. Heute ist die Band ein fester Wert und eine der beliebtesten Formationen der weltweiten Hard- und Heavy-Szene. Im Jahr 2019 wurden die Fans jedoch mit einer Schock-Meldung konfrontiert. Aufgrund einer Krebserkrankung von Ronnie Atkins mussten bis auf weiteres alle Konzerte abgesagt werden. Die Band musste - auch bedingt durch die Corona-Pandemie - eine lange Pause einlegen. „Wir hätten das lieber auf eigene Faust entschieden und nicht aufgrund der Dinge, die uns getroffen haben, aber es war trotzdem gut für uns“, sagt Ken Hammer rückblickend. „Ronnie und ich waren mehr als 40 Jahre lang rund 200 Tage im Jahr zusammen und wir haben uns nie geschont. Ich war auch noch nie so intensiv und so oft mit einem anderen Menschen zusammen wie mit ihm. Und das kann schon seinen Tribut fordern, wenn beide die ganze Zeit auf Hochtouren laufen. Ein wenig Abstand kann da wahre Wunder bewirken.“ Im letzten Jahr haben sich die zwei Bandleader zusammengerauft. Und sie sind mehr denn je bereit, ihre Hardrock- und Metal-Hymnen gemeinsam mit den ungeduldig wartenden Fans abzufeiern. „Heute haben wir das gute Gefühl, dass unsere Batterien wieder voll aufgeladen sind und nur darauf warten, auf die grossartigste Art und Weise der Welt entladen zu werden“, sagt Hammer. „Natürlich sind wir auch wieder etwas älter geworden, aber Rock’n’Roll hält die Menschen ewig jung und wir werden wieder mit Volldampf unsere Konzerte spielen.“ Im Sommer gab es bereits erste Festivalshows, nun geht’s zurück in die grossen Clubs und Hallen. Für den exklusiven Gig im Z7 haben sich die Musiker eine Setlist zusammengestellt, die alle Fans aufhorchen lässt. Da werden zahlreiche Highlights aus vier Jahrzehnten Pretty Maids und einige rare Leckerbissen zelebriert. Wir können es kaum erwarten!
Einlass: 18:00 Uhr
We love the Pretty Maids - and the Pretty Maids love the Z7! The Danes have become an important part of the Z7 family over the years. In October 2024, we will celebrate a big reunion: The rock legends from Horsens are coming to Pratteln for a mega-exclusive show. This is not only the first club concert in six long years, but also the only club show outside of Scandinavia. Band founders Ken Hammer and Ronnie Atkins will blast us with a fine selection of their greatest hits and can finally present songs from their latest album "Undress Your Madness" live!
There was radio silence from the Pretty Maids for five years. But in summer 2024, singer Ronnie Atkins and guitarist Ken Hammer returned to the stage for a few selected festival shows after the longest break of their careers. The brilliant duo has a long shared history. 43 years ago, the Pretty Maids set out on their victorious journey around the world from the port city of Horsens. Today, the band is a stable presence and one of the most popular formations in the global hard and heavy scene. However, in 2019, fans were confronted with shocking news. Due to Ronnie Atkins' cancer diagnosis, all concerts had to be canceled until further notice. The band had to take a long break, also due to the Corona pandemic. "We would have preferred to decide this on our own and not because of the things that hit us, but it was still good for us," Ken Hammer reflects. "Ronnie and I were together for around 200 days a year for more than 40 years, and we never took it easy. I have never been with another person as intensely and as often as with him. And that can take its toll when both are running at full speed all the time. A little distance can work wonders." Last year, the two band leaders reconciled. And they are more ready than ever to celebrate their hard rock and metal anthems together with the eagerly awaiting fans. "Today, we have a good feeling that our batteries are recharged and just waiting to be released in the most magnificent way to the world," says Hammer. "Of course, we have also gotten a bit older, but rock 'n' roll keeps people young forever, and we will play our concerts with full steam again." In summer, there were already first festival shows, now it’s back to the big clubs and halls. For the exclusive gig at Z7, the musicians have put together a setlist that will make all fans sit up and take notice. Numerous highlights from four decades of Pretty Maids and some rare treats will be celebrated. We can hardly wait!
Entrance: 18:00 Uhr
Event data provided by: Reservix
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Pretty Maids
We love the Pretty Maids - and the Pretty Maids love the Z7! The Danes have become an important part of the Z7 family over the years. In October 2024, we will celebrate a big reunion: The rock legends from Horsens are coming to Pratteln for a mega-exclusive show. This is not only the first club concert in six long years, but also the only club show outside of Scandinavia. Band founders Ken Hammer and Ronnie Atkins will blast us with a fine selection of their greatest hits and can finally present songs from their latest album "Undress Your Madness" live!
There was radio silence from the Pretty Maids for five years. But in summer 2024, singer Ronnie Atkins and guitarist Ken Hammer returned to the stage for a few selected festival shows after the longest break of their careers. The brilliant duo has a long shared history. 43 years ago, the Pretty Maids set out on their victorious journey around the world from the port city of Horsens. Today, the band is a stable presence and one of the most popular formations in the global hard and heavy scene. However, in 2019, fans were confronted with shocking news. Due to Ronnie Atkins' cancer diagnosis, all concerts had to be canceled until further notice. The band had to take a long break, also due to the Corona pandemic. "We would have preferred to decide this on our own and not because of the things that hit us, but it was still good for us," Ken Hammer reflects. "Ronnie and I were together for around 200 days a year for more than 40 years, and we never took it easy. I have never been with another person as intensely and as often as with him. And that can take its toll when both are running at full speed all the time. A little distance can work wonders." Last year, the two band leaders reconciled. And they are more ready than ever to celebrate their hard rock and metal anthems together with the eagerly awaiting fans. "Today, we have a good feeling that our batteries are recharged and just waiting to be released in the most magnificent way to the world," says Hammer. "Of course, we have also gotten a bit older, but rock 'n' roll keeps people young forever, and we will play our concerts with full steam again." In summer, there were already first festival shows, now it’s back to the big clubs and halls. For the exclusive gig at Z7, the musicians have put together a setlist that will make all fans sit up and take notice. Numerous highlights from four decades of Pretty Maids and some rare treats will be celebrated. We can hardly wait!
Entrance: 18:00 Uhr
7:00 PM
from € 52.63