Infected Rain - Motocultor Across Europe Tour 2025
Thursday, 1/16/2025 at 5:30 PM
Infected Rain - Motocultor Across Europe Tour 2025
Thursday, 1/16/2025
at 5:30 PM
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Das Motocultor-Package zieht im Jahr 2025 wieder durch europäische Clubs und Hallen. Als Headliner ist die moldawische Metal-Truppe Infected Rain am Start. Die Band um die multitalentierte Frontfrau Lena Scissorhands elektrisiert mit mitreissenden Riffs, kosmischer Elektronik, Lenas stimmlicher Vielfalt und intensiven lyrischen Themen. Auf der „Motocultor Across Europe Tour 2025“ teilen sie sich die Bühne mit der brasilianischen Vampir-Metal-Formation Semblant, dem französischen Nu-Goth-Projekt Elyose sowie Miruthan und Skin On Flesh.
Moldawien war bis zum Jahr 2008 auf der internationalen Metal-Landkarte ein unbeschriebenes Blatt. Doch seither arbeitet eine Band unentwegt daran, dies zu ändern. Infected Rain haben mit sechs exzellenten Alben dem Moldau-Metal eine Stimme verpasst. Und diese Stimme ist äusserst wandelbar. Sängerin Lena Scissorhands beherrscht alle Facetten des Genres – von den höllentiefen Growls bis zu himmlischen Clean Vocals. Ihre Band begleitet sie stilsicher durch ihr abwechslungsreiches Modern-Metal-Repertoire. Einflüsse von Bands wie Korn, den Deftones oder Kittie sind nicht von der Hand zu weisen, werden aber in eigenständigen Kompositionen neu aufgefrischt und zu packenden Songs verarbeitet. Gefeiert von der Musikpresse, mit hunderttausenden Streams und digitalen Aufrufen, weltweiten Shows auf grossen Festival-Bühnen und Tourneen mit Grössen wie den Butcher Babies oder Wednesday 13, ist die Band aus der Modern-Metal-Szene nicht mehr wegzudenken. Am 9. Februar 2024 haben Infected Rain mit ihrem neuen Studioalbum „Time“ noch einen draufgesetzt. Von der Band beschrieben als „eine Hommage an jede flüchtige Sekunde, jeden Herzschlag und jeden Atemzug, der uns zu diesem Moment geführt hat“, wurde „Time“ erneut von Valentin Voluta produziert, gemischt und gemastert. Das Werk vereint geschickt die Ausnahme-Talente des zur Band zurückgekehrten Vidick (Gitarre, Cover-Art), von Schlagzeuger Eugene Voluta und Frontfrau Lena Scissorhands, und stellt gleichzeitig die neue Bassistin Alice Lane vor. Auf „Time“ überzeugen Infected Rain mit ihren bekannten Trademarks und akzentuieren dabei geschmackvoll die introspektive musikalische Reise mit wirkungsvoll platzierten progressiven, elektronischen und sogar Nu Metal-Elementen. Die Tracks haben es nicht nur musikalisch in sich, sondern glänzen oft auch mit sozial- und gesellschaftskritischen Texten, die zum genaueren Hinhören verleiten.
Einlass: 17 Uhr
The Motocultor package will again tour European clubs and halls in 2025. The headliner is the Moldovan metal band Infected Rain. The band, led by the multitalented frontwoman Lena Scissorhands, electrifies with captivating riffs, cosmic electronics, Lena's vocal diversity, and intense lyrical themes. On the "Motocultor Across Europe Tour 2025," they will share the stage with the Brazilian vampire metal formation Semblant, the French nu-goth project Elyose, as well as Miruthan and Skin On Flesh.
Until 2008, Moldova was an unknown entity on the international metal map. But since then, one band has been tirelessly working to change that. Infected Rain has given a voice to Moldovan metal with six excellent albums. And that voice is extremely versatile. Singer Lena Scissorhands masters all facets of the genre – from hell-deep growls to heavenly clean vocals. Her band confidently accompanies her through their varied modern metal repertoire. Influences from bands like Korn, Deftones, or Kittie are undeniable but are refreshed in distinct compositions and transformed into compelling songs. Celebrated by the music press, with hundreds of thousands of streams and digital calls, worldwide shows on major festival stages, and tours with stars like Butcher Babies or Wednesday 13, the band has become indispensable in the modern metal scene. On February 9, 2024, Infected Rain took it a step further with their new studio album "Time." Described by the band as "a tribute to every fleeting second, every heartbeat, and every breath that has brought us to this moment," "Time" was once again produced, mixed, and mastered by Valentin Voluta. The work skillfully unites the exceptional talents of the returning Vidick (guitar, cover art), drummer Eugene Voluta, and frontwoman Lena Scissorhands, while also introducing the new bassist Alice Lane. On "Time," Infected Rain impresses with their well-known trademarks and tastefully accentuates the introspective musical journey with effectively placed progressive, electronic, and even nu metal elements. The tracks are not only musically rich but often shine with socially and societally critical lyrics that invite careful listening.
Doors open: 5 PM
Event data provided by: Reservix
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Infected Rain - Motocultor Across Europe Tour 2025
The Motocultor package will again tour European clubs and halls in 2025. The headliner is the Moldovan metal band Infected Rain. The band, led by the multitalented frontwoman Lena Scissorhands, electrifies with captivating riffs, cosmic electronics, Lena's vocal diversity, and intense lyrical themes. On the "Motocultor Across Europe Tour 2025," they will share the stage with the Brazilian vampire metal formation Semblant, the French nu-goth project Elyose, as well as Miruthan and Skin On Flesh.
Until 2008, Moldova was an unknown entity on the international metal map. But since then, one band has been tirelessly working to change that. Infected Rain has given a voice to Moldovan metal with six excellent albums. And that voice is extremely versatile. Singer Lena Scissorhands masters all facets of the genre – from hell-deep growls to heavenly clean vocals. Her band confidently accompanies her through their varied modern metal repertoire. Influences from bands like Korn, Deftones, or Kittie are undeniable but are refreshed in distinct compositions and transformed into compelling songs. Celebrated by the music press, with hundreds of thousands of streams and digital calls, worldwide shows on major festival stages, and tours with stars like Butcher Babies or Wednesday 13, the band has become indispensable in the modern metal scene. On February 9, 2024, Infected Rain took it a step further with their new studio album "Time." Described by the band as "a tribute to every fleeting second, every heartbeat, and every breath that has brought us to this moment," "Time" was once again produced, mixed, and mastered by Valentin Voluta. The work skillfully unites the exceptional talents of the returning Vidick (guitar, cover art), drummer Eugene Voluta, and frontwoman Lena Scissorhands, while also introducing the new bassist Alice Lane. On "Time," Infected Rain impresses with their well-known trademarks and tastefully accentuates the introspective musical journey with effectively placed progressive, electronic, and even nu metal elements. The tracks are not only musically rich but often shine with socially and societally critical lyrics that invite careful listening.
Doors open: 5 PM
5:30 PM
from € 41.08