Fit For An Autopsy - Fit For An Autopsy + Sylosis + Darkest Hour + Heriot
Wednesday, 12/18/2024 at 6:30 PM
Fit For An Autopsy - Fit For An Autopsy + Sylosis + Darkest Hour + Heriot
Wednesday, 12/18/2024
at 6:30 PM
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Herzhafte Deathcore-Kracher statt Stille Nacht. Eine Woche vor Weihnachten wird es in diesem Jahr mal wieder so richtig laut im Z7. Am 18. Dezember rocken die US-Deathcore-Heroes Fit For An Autopsy gemeinsam mit Sylosis, Darkest Hour und Heriot in Pratteln. Wer auf Breakdowns, Blastbeats, Heavy Riffs, Headbanging und Circle Pits steht, sollte sich diese Party nicht entgehen lassen.
Die gnadenlosen Kracher von Fit For An Autopsy mischen exzessiven, kraftstrotzenden Death Metal mit atmosphärischem Groove und leidenschaftlichen persönlichen Texten, die den düsteren Zustand unserer Welt absolut kompromisslos widerspiegeln. Mit ihrem namenlosen ersten Demo aus dem Jahr 2008 und der im darauffolgenden Jahr veröffentlichten EP „Hell On Earth" haben Fit For An Autopsy gleich eine der krassesten Versionen des damals aufkeimenden Deathcore-Genres geschaffen. Das Debütalbum „The Process Of Human Extermination“ verschaffte ihnen unvermittelt einen Platz unter den Giganten des Genres. 16 Jahre nach der Gründung in Jersey City haben FFAA nichts von ihrer Intensität eingebüsst. „Das Überleben hängt von der Evolution ab. Wenn sich die Bedingungen ändern und die Gezeiten sich wenden, müssen wir uns mit ihnen verändern, um den kommenden Herausforderungen einen Schritt voraus zu sein“, sagen die Musiker. Es ist klar, dass Fit For An Autopsy dieses Mantra verinnerlicht haben, da sie sich mit jedem weiteren Werk weiterentwickeln. Die Band verwischt dabei nicht nur die Grenzen zwischen technischer Metal-Virtuosität, Death Metal-Bedrohung, Hardcore-Intensität und abstrakten Ansätzen, sondern verkörpert eine ganz eigene Vision. Das letzte Album „Oh What The Future Holds“ aus dem Jahr 2022 entlockte dem Kritiker von folgende Zeilen: „Fit For An Autopsy liefern einfach ab. Nahezu jeder Song schlägt ein, die Riffs und Rhythmen sowie die Dynamik und die Ausgewogenheit zwischen Breakdowns, Gesang, Atmosphäre und lyrischem Einfallsreichtum sind auf Album Nummer 6 origineller denn je und lassen keine weiteren Wünsche offen.“ Im Juni 2023 präsentierten sie mit „The Aggression Sessions“, einer Split-EP mit den Kollegen von Thy Art Is Murder und Malevolence, gleich die nächste Prügel-Sitzung und waren im Herbst als Special Guest von Thy Art Is Murder bei uns in Pratteln. In diesem Jahr kehren Fit For An Autopsy als Leader eines gnadenlosen Viererpacks zurück ins Z7.
Einlass: 18:00 Uhr
Hearty Deathcore hits instead of Silent Night. One week before Christmas, it will be really loud again at Z7 this year. On December 18th, the US Deathcore heroes Fit For An Autopsy will rock Pratteln together with Sylosis, Darkest Hour, and Heriot. Those who are into breakdowns, blast beats, heavy riffs, headbanging, and circle pits should not miss this party.
The relentless hits of Fit For An Autopsy mix excessive, powerful Death Metal with atmospheric groove and passionate personal lyrics that uncompromisingly reflect the dark state of our world. With their nameless first demo from 2008 and the EP "Hell On Earth" released the following year, Fit For An Autopsy immediately created one of the most intense versions of the then emerging Deathcore genre. The debut album "The Process Of Human Extermination" soon earned them a place among the giants of the genre. 16 years after their founding in Jersey City, FFAA has not lost any of their intensity. "Surviving depends on evolution. When conditions change and the tides turn, we must change with them to stay one step ahead of the forthcoming challenges," say the musicians. It is clear that Fit For An Autopsy have internalized this mantra, as they continue to evolve with each new work. The band not only blurs the boundaries between technical metal virtuosity, Death Metal threat, Hardcore intensity, and abstract approaches but embodies its own vision. The latest album "Oh What The Future Holds" from 2022 elicited the following lines from the critic at, "Fit For An Autopsy simply delivers. Almost every song hits, the riffs and rhythms as well as the dynamics and balance between breakdowns, vocals, atmosphere, and lyrical creativity are more original than ever on album number 6, leaving no further desires unfulfilled." In June 2023, they presented "The Aggression Sessions," a split EP with their colleagues Thy Art Is Murder and Malevolence, immediately followed by a fall performance as a Special Guest of Thy Art Is Murder in Pratteln. This year, Fit For An Autopsy return as the leaders of a relentless quartet to Z7.
Doors open: 6:00 PM
Event data provided by: Reservix
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Fit For An Autopsy - Fit For An Autopsy + Sylosis + Darkest Hour + Heriot
Hearty Deathcore hits instead of Silent Night. One week before Christmas, it will be really loud again at Z7 this year. On December 18th, the US Deathcore heroes Fit For An Autopsy will rock Pratteln together with Sylosis, Darkest Hour, and Heriot. Those who are into breakdowns, blast beats, heavy riffs, headbanging, and circle pits should not miss this party.
The relentless hits of Fit For An Autopsy mix excessive, powerful Death Metal with atmospheric groove and passionate personal lyrics that uncompromisingly reflect the dark state of our world. With their nameless first demo from 2008 and the EP "Hell On Earth" released the following year, Fit For An Autopsy immediately created one of the most intense versions of the then emerging Deathcore genre. The debut album "The Process Of Human Extermination" soon earned them a place among the giants of the genre. 16 years after their founding in Jersey City, FFAA has not lost any of their intensity. "Surviving depends on evolution. When conditions change and the tides turn, we must change with them to stay one step ahead of the forthcoming challenges," say the musicians. It is clear that Fit For An Autopsy have internalized this mantra, as they continue to evolve with each new work. The band not only blurs the boundaries between technical metal virtuosity, Death Metal threat, Hardcore intensity, and abstract approaches but embodies its own vision. The latest album "Oh What The Future Holds" from 2022 elicited the following lines from the critic at, "Fit For An Autopsy simply delivers. Almost every song hits, the riffs and rhythms as well as the dynamics and balance between breakdowns, vocals, atmosphere, and lyrical creativity are more original than ever on album number 6, leaving no further desires unfulfilled." In June 2023, they presented "The Aggression Sessions," a split EP with their colleagues Thy Art Is Murder and Malevolence, immediately followed by a fall performance as a Special Guest of Thy Art Is Murder in Pratteln. This year, Fit For An Autopsy return as the leaders of a relentless quartet to Z7.
Doors open: 6:00 PM
6:30 PM
from € 44.65